Friday, July 20, 2012

Naturalism = reality for that more abundant life!

                          The  Flew-Lamberth the presumptio n of naturalism is that all natural causes themselves are their own boss without any supernatural influence. They are the efficient,primary cause, the necessary being and the sufficient reason. To add God would be to reify a  useless , bombastic explanation for what we do know explains with a superstitious pseudo-explanation, thr Supreme Mystery , surrounded by still more mysteries that  ostensibly is the Ultimate Explanation but  turns out itself as a brute fact that ostensibly explains  the Metaverse but in  reality but is just  God did it, meaningless incoherent obscurantism!
                 Edward Feser, Thomist, rightly argues that the something is  what Leibniz queries, not the nothing , with his query why is there something rather than nothing. That is just the argument from personal incredulity, which science now answers with the eternal quantum fields whence  comes one universe after anoter forever, needing no reified,psuedo- explanation.That is the god of the  explanatory gap, just as absurd as the one of scientific gaps!That pseudo- answer  God is just another argument from ignorance!
               Both arguments underscore other theistic arguments!
               Naturalism is not self-refuting as Alvin the sophist Plantinga alleges. who with his argument from reason, increduously finds God as the  reason for our trusting our faculties when in reality we learn to trust and - mistrust them through trial and error. Would he then allege that perhaps as he wonders that perhaps demons have  something to do with natural evils that demons make for our errors? Adaptation means as best as possible in a niche, not the best outcome so evolution after all whilst not guaranteeing the truth, provides for  finding it.
Again, theists are ever tring to use that reification of that pareidolia of seeing divine intent and design instead of the  reality of mechanism and patterns that Lamberth's argument from pareidolia finds.
         So, theism is per Lamberth's reduced animism argument just as superstitious as full animism and polytheism as it too relies on a non-existent  intent!
         So, naturalism  wins by its own power and - by the supernaturalistic default!
        Had Europe followed Thales, Strato, Democritus, Leucippus and other atomists and pre-Socratics perhaps  we would have had scientific success eons ago!
         Viewers, how would you further this  about naturalism or have you any dissent?

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